7th Avenue Center
For over 20 years, 7th Avenue Center has worked to promote and support individuals experiencing severe and persistent mental health diagnoses. 7th Avenue Center is one significant step on the path to recovery.
The company's founders began working in the mental health field in the 1980s, providing residential services in Santa Clara County. They worked closely with local mental health agencies to create innovative programs to serve the needs of the community and the mental health population. 7th Avenue Center, LLC was established in 1999 and began providing services filling a state-wide need for rehabilitative care.
Today, 7th Avenue Center provides psycho-social rehabilitation programming, 24-hour nursing services, and a supportive staff to individuals with major mental health diagnoses. Our program includes 10 to 12 hours of structured groups and activities per day and involves the services of many skilled professionals including psychiatrists, physicians, nurses, mental health workers, housekeepers, maintenance, laundry, and dietary staff.
7th Avenue Center provides services to individuals, ages 18 years and older. The individuals receiving services at 7th Avenue Center are affected by severe and persistent mental health diagnoses. While residing at 7th Avenue Center, residents focus on personal goals geared towards increasing independence and integration into the community. Primary diagnoses of residents at 7th Avenue Center include schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, major depression and bipolar disorder. Many residents are dually diagnosed with a substance abuse disorder. Individuals are under conservatorship during their residency at 7th Avenue Center.
Admissions are coordinated with over 16 counties in the state of California, as well as the Department of Veteran Affairs and private individuals. There is no set amount of time a resident must stay at 7th Avenue Center. The average length of stay is six to twelve months, although a resident may stay a shorter time if their treatment goals are achieved.
Operating for more than two decades, 7th Avenue Center is highly experienced at serving the needs of a wide variety of individuals. The services we provide to support individual recovery can be found here.

7th Avenue Center takes pride in its beautiful surroundings and in keeping the building and grounds in excellent appearance. There are several indoor and outdoor areas available to residents to promote physical and mental wellness.
The property (over 20,000 square feet) has four outside yard areas that provide various amenities. 7th Avenue Center features four yard areas for various activities. Each yard has a focused theme ranging from physical exercise and socializing to gardening and individual reflection. Residents are encouraged to take part in the on-site gardening groups that maintain the two gardens and active greenhouse on the premises. On the activities patio, the shaded area provides seating space, exercise equipment, and a multi-purpose games table. The Serenity Garden is a prime location for an on-site repose while the gazebo and bocce ball court are available for residents to engage in social activities.
7th Avenue Center is a Certified Green Business and the building is partially powered by solar panels.