Mental Health Rehabilitation Center
in Santa Cruz, California
Trauma informed residential treatment
on the coast of California
Welcome to
7th Avenue Center
Recovery is possible for all people. At 7th Avenue Center, we provide individualized services and are dedicated to improving the quality of life for individuals with serious and persistent mental health diagnoses.
7th Avenue Center is a 99-bed Mental Health Rehabilitation Center (MHRC) licensed by the California Department of Health Care Services. We provide services for California residents ages 18 and older. All individuals residing at 7th Avenue Center are conserved
Learn more about 7th Avenue Center and our history here.
Here to Support You
Everyone at 7th Avenue Center works to help residents achieve their goals. We do this by:
Providing individualized services utilizing resident's self-identified goals
Maintaining a beautiful environment including a Serenity Garden and bocce ball court
Celebrating individual successes such as meeting personal goals, improvement of physical health and successful community placement

7th Avenue Center promotes a complete wellness approach including helping residents make healthy decisions such as encouraging smoking cessation, healthy eating habits and daily exercise. We work with residents to focus on their strengths and use those to clearly define goals and provide hope and inspiration towards the future.
7th Avenue is a leader in Trauma-Informed Care and works with residents to create a safe environment allowing a faster recovery. We understand that there is a strong correlation between trauma and severe mental health conditions and our program minimizes triggers and distress to maximize an individual’s recovery.

7th Avenue Center believes providing a great recovery program starts at the top and our Executive
Team is dedicated to work every day to help individuals thrive in their recovery. Our managers meet with staff daily to discuss the individual needs of all residents to ensure efficient, consistent care.
Our leadership is also demonstrated by our commitments to the community, including:
Longstanding member of NAMI
Member of the Santa Cruz Trauma Consortium
Certified Green Business
Environmentally conscious — utilizes solar panels and practices water conservation.
ADA accessible
At 7th Avenue Center, cultural competence is an integral part of residents' treatment and recovery. Our multicultural staff is educated and trained to serve residents from different cultural origins and traditions. 7th Avenue Center also periodically reviews its resources and service methods. This review ensures that staff are adequately educated and that its programs are constantly presented in a culturally competent manner. Additional assistance, translation services, and expert consultants are available on an as needed basis.

Our Location
7th Avenue Center offers a serene and calming presence in a natural setting. Eucalyptus trees line the back of the campus while drought friendly landscaping and a succulent garden cascade the main entrance. The grounds include a Serenity Garden, various activity spaces, and engaging outdoor spaces. Click to learn more about the residential and recovery-based services offered on-site.
Contact + Admissions
Ready to start your recovery journey at 7th Avenue Center? Learn more about admissions, referrals, and insurance on our contact page.
Scan for self-care
Introducing our weekly self-care mood boost!
Use the camera on your smartphone to scan the image below. Click on the link that appears. It will direct you to your self-care content.
Brought to you by the Trauma Informed Care Team.